More Bible School Info

The Church and Bible Schools are the backbone of the morality of any country. Bible Colleges and Institutes are the educational arm of the Body of Christ and such Para-Church ministries are never to be under-estimated in their influence and significance.

The quality of good educational services helps build the Christian character of students, who in turn directly impact the world for Christ.

We are fully accredited by the World-Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions.

Secular accrediting associations accredit secular schools, which teach secular subjects and confer secular certificates upon their students; whereas, religious accrediting associations accredit sacred schools, which teach sacred subjects and confer sacred certificates for it.

We do not provide any secular teaching. Our courses are in Biblical studies only.

All of our Degrees are in the fields of Biblcal studies, training and ministry.

We consider it an honor to be able to offer these services for the cause of Christ.